Volvo Gdynia Sailing Days finished in Tricity last weekend. More than 1000 sailors from 34 nations took part in 22 competitions during the event.
Volvo Gdynia Sailing Days
Gdynia is not the only name this city has. Floating City is a nickname many will understand. After all, it was established to be the biggest harbor in Poland. So there is no surprise that the officials of Gdynia had decided to start organising an annual regatta- Gdynia Sailing Days. Immediately after releasing the idea of this event Volvo has decided to be the main patron of GSD. As a result the organizers renamed and introduced Volvo Gdynia Sailing Days- one of the biggest regatta on the Baltic Sea.
It is fun for viewers, but is it for competitors?
So many people in one place speaking same language- sailing language. Many hours on water, building muscles and one thought in mind- to go as fast as possible or even faster!
“So, what do you think about your opponents?“. Participants heard this question a while before start. Almost every answer sounded alike “Well, this is an international competition, after all. If people didn’t have skill and talent, they would not have came here.” As a result the regatta is on a very high level. It isn’t easy, but for sure it’s entertaining for the viewers.
Can 18th edition still be exciting?
Of course! It is a competition so every year is different than previous. Especially when it comes to European Championship! Young people from almost every European country met in Gdynia and were racing for past two weeks. But if it is not enough for water-sports lovers what do you say on Polish Championship for adults? Both male and female were racing in 7 varied categories. It seems like Volvo Gdynia Sailing Days is called one of the biggest regatta in Europe for a reason!
Waving to accomplished regatta
Volvo Gdynia Sailing Days 2017 was the 18th edition of the annual event. The organizers are already inviting sailors and water-sports lovers for the next year competition. For now Gdynia is waving you off. We hope we will see you on a wave next year