For the 21st time, KOLOSY took place in Gdynia. The event has already become a huge and prestigious event. Almost 20 000 people visited Gdynia Arena. The lines for fairs of outdoors equipment were really long, but as always the main point of the program was the reward ceremony. This year the judges have given prizes for travelers for the 20th time.
The winners of Kolosy
The winners in “the feat of the year” category are Michal Woroch and Maciej Kaminski. They had successfully climbed K2 (the highest peak in Asia) being disabled. Wheelchairs are necessary for them to move. They said that this feat gave their lives a point and brought them happiness.
In “travels” category the award went to Kamila Kielar for the ruthlessness of showing schemes, which are running today’s world and ability to take care of as she said “important subjects”.
Richard Konkolski was rewarded too for the entirety of his achievements. He is a Czech sailor, who has circumnavigated the earth on his own three times.
The reward for the best sailor was granted to Szymon Kuczyński, who also has circumnavigated the earth on his own but without any stops. He was sailing on a small boat for 2 people.
Andrzej Zawada’s reward went to Jacek Matuszak and a “forever young” reward to Ryszard Teisseyre.
The overall atmosphere of Kolosy festival was amazing. As a result, a lot of people who want to know the world better gathered in one place. Young people and even middle school students interested in Travels didn’t miss this opportunity as well.
Kolosy 2019 in Gdynia, photo: Barbara Seleman/Tricity News Kolosy 2019 in Gdynia, photo: Barbara Seleman/Tricity News Kolosy 2019 in Gdynia, photo: Barbara Seleman/Tricity News Kolosy 2019 in Gdynia, photo: Barbara Seleman/Tricity News Kolosy 2019 in Gdynia, photo: Barbara Seleman/Tricity News Kolosy 2019 in Gdynia, photo: Barbara Seleman/Tricity News Kolosy 2019 in Gdynia, photo: Barbara Seleman/Tricity News Kolosy 2019 in Gdynia, photo: Barbara Seleman/Tricity News Kolosy 2019 in Gdynia, photo: Barbara Seleman/Tricity News Kolosy 2019 in Gdynia, photo: Barbara Seleman/Tricity News Kolosy 2019 in Gdynia, photo: Barbara Seleman/Tricity News Kolosy 2019 in Gdynia, photo: Barbara Seleman/Tricity News