How did Tricity survive the Storm? An account from Gdynia Design Days

In Entertainment, Gdynia, Lifestyle

Gdynia Design Days 2017 has finished. The annual festival of design gathered a lot of people in Gdynia. Those were not only designers and artists. The title of this year’s event was Storm. How did Tricity survive the Storm?

Some people have drowned…

But luckily, in art. It was unbelievable how many people decided to check out what was going on Gdynia Design Days. More interesting was to see the same people for a few days in a row. As a result we were able to ask them some questions, make new friends and share positive vibes. I asked a young girl, why she was here so many times. So she answered “Well… the question should be ‘why not?’. I am into art and I want to fall even deeper. Every day is a new view on what do you see, even if the exhibit doesn`t change.” It seems like the Storm took her all.

The Storm was desperate

Gdynia Design Days gathered a lot of different people. Men, women, young, old, professional artists and amateurs. The event accumulated them all.  It didn`t really matter who you are, but how do you interpret what you see. It was so good to see people united by art. Thus we can say that Gdynia Design Days have achieved one of their goals- binding people who have similar tastes.

Also if it comes to its second goal- changing way of interpreting things- we can conclude that Gdynia Design Days has achieved it too. The lectures seemed to be non other than there are at school. Who thought that you won`t see plain black bottle in the same way how you did before. But all of this was not about some random objects. This talks were meant to open minds for a new perspective.

When can we expect such extreme elements again?

Hopefully, next year. Gdynia has organised Desing Days for ten times already. Hence, it doesn`t seem like the city is going to stop organising this annual event.