[advertising article] Cross the Borders 2017

In Business, General, Lifestyle

“Cross the Border of 2017” is an international mentoring program that allows beginner entrepreneurs to expand their activities on foreign markets, mainly in Europe and the Middle East. This is second edition of this project designed and developed by Katarzyna Richter, founder of Deal With Culture.

Who is invited

The program is addressed to Polish entrepreneurs and high potential specialists interested in:

Personal development in the context of intercultural competency,

Establishing international contacts,

Building international business relationships.

Within the program we provide access to range of experts in areas such as e-commerce, foreign trade, intercultural communication or international negotiations. All of the mentors have international experience in their field.

The program

The program is designed to help to develop existing potential of participants, gain inspiration, confidence and motivation in order to develop themselves and their business . Thanks to the use of technology we will provide contact with mentors who are based in different parts of the globe. In addition to online life and business skills training, we will organize 3 local events at the Sadova Hotel in Gdansk.

During the 3 weeks of intense mentoring sessions, project participants will gain insights on conducting business internationally, gain new perspective , motivation and support from experienced business practitioners .

Participation fee : 999zl

It includes: access to 8 mentors successfully running businesses internationally, private consultations, full workshop day held on June 17th 2017 featuring such speakers as Bob Spence, Piotr Bucki and other great specialists and entrance to PG 2017 Gala on June 18, 2017.

Sadova Hotel in Gdansk (www.hotelsadova.pl).

The evening will be hosted by Jaroslaw Wakiewicz, the creator of Marka jest Kobieta brand , an international community and a club for International Female Entrepreneurs .

Moreover we will be joined by 2 special guest. Krzysztof Puternicki, an entrepreneur from Gdansk who crossed over a dozen or so borders in Africa during the KAPP2CAPE 2016 expedition and Anish Saraf, founder of one of the fastest growing startups in the Tricity Let’s Deliver.

Learn more:

Find out more about the event at Cross The Border Facebook fanpage.