The biggest super moon of the 21st century

In General

Tomorrow, Monday the 14th, we will be witnesses of a very special and spectacular lunar show. The moon which will appear on the sky will be the biggest seen for around 70 years.

What is the super moon?

This astronomical phenomenon takes place when the moon becomes full while being in the closest possible distant to the Earth. On that very moment, the moon appears to be 30% brighter and 14% bigger than on any other occasion.

Rise your eyes

On Monday, November 14th, exactly at 14:52 the moon will be in the right point on it’s orbit. In Tricity we will be able to see it from 15:47, after the sunset. So it may be a good idea to choose a walk from work to enjoy the moon in it’s biggest appearance.

Next time in 18 years

Tomorrow we will see the biggest moon so far in 21st century. As the scientists predict, the next chance to see the moon being so big will be in 2034. This is a good enough reason to enjoy the moonlight on Monday evening.