enters Tricity and needs your help!

In Gdansk, Gdynia, General, Sopot

[sponsored] First off, we are really delighted to partner with the excellent Tricity News to provide some help and insight to all Expats engaged in property in the Tricity area which, unless you are living under a bridge, means you. But for us to help you we would ask if you could help us. Keep reading to find out how.

Who is is a new free service that aims to help expats find property professionals who speak their language, secure commission discounts and earn cashback on mortgage applications and referrals.

We are a team of Poles & Expats all based in Poland who have professional experience in Polish property, securing Polish mortgages, renting without an agent, etc.. We are not aligned to any particular Real estate agencies so our only loyalty is to our users.

In future articles we will cover such topics as – 5 things to know about a Polish Rental Agreement, AirBnB renting in the TriCity, Best Rental District and more.

How do we earn our money if it’s a free service I hear you ask?

Mortgage Advisor referalls

We get paid for mortgage referrals as we have relationships with some of the largest Advisor groups in Poland. We pass a percentage of this back to you in the form of retail vouchers for any store you like, as long as they are online and provide an invoice. In addition, with our new partnership with TriCity News, you will also be helping them to continue to provide and improve their service to you as long as you remember to use their promo code tricitynews. Basically everyone wins.

Real Estate Advisor referalls

We do not get any commission from Real Estate agencies and so demand that if they want your business they better offer an incentive so we start with a built in 25% discount off normal rates and leave the rest of the negotiations to you.

Sounds great! How can I help?

The Where I Live project

Well, as part of our service, we would really like to map all of the different districts of Tricity for the newly arrived. If you have a business or service to promote or would just like to help, you can do so for free on our platform. Just tell us about the district you live or work in and we will happily add it to our Blog.

You can see recent articles here for Krakow so just give us some general answers, email it to and we will do the rest (the most informative gets posted). If you have any questions about this or any other Polish property topic we would be happy to help and can be contacted here.


If you are looking for a Credit Advisor, don’t forget to add TriCityNews to the promo code and you will also get a rebate for 50% of your first hour’s translation costs (T&C apply).